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Taking Automation to the Next Level Through Process Orchestration

Take automation to the next level through process orchestration. Learn about two simple ways to solve the equation. Contact BP3 for more information.

Want a Faster Way to Elevate Process Automation? ... Do These Two Things

If you are considering solving end-to-end process orchestration - and you’ve not previously worked with process engines and process-led development methods - I have one more recommendation... do two things at once:

  • Think big.  Do the work to build the models of your end-to-end process and create buy-in in your organization for thinking through some of the high-level design decisions.

  • Do the work. In parallel, pick a specific problem and solve it in production. Take it a step further, and leverage Camunda or another process engine.

Why these two things? For starters, you need to keep the big picture imperatives in mind - that thread of working on that picture will keep you grounded. However, avoid getting lost with your head in the clouds about whiteboard diagrams. The discipline of building a software process in production will help ensure that you’re building the skills and organizational muscle memory to succeed as you take on more and more of your vision. 

Once you realize the power of representing your business as a set of processes, you’ll want to find software to represent those processes - and run them. And there’s good news! Such software exists, and it is quite good. 

As you would expect, all the process modeling and execution software is pretty good at illustrating simple processes - our process versions of “hello world”. They’re also usually good at representing somewhat more comprehensive processes.

Clean Abstractions and End-to-End Process

It’s natural to want to take this further - all the way to end-to-end process orchestration. Not just the “Order” process. Or the “fulfillment” process. It is natural to want to go even further: the “Order to Fulfillment” process; or the “Order, to Fulfillment, to Cash, to Returns” process. 

And you’ll be relieved to learn that you can do this with BPM suites - or with open-source solutions like Camunda. In fact, we’ve both modeled and built processes with this kind of comprehensive view at BP3. What’s more, we’ve built solutions that just address one piece of a larger end-to-end process (e.g. “Reverse Logistics”). 

When you use a BPM Suite, it needs to be in control of every element of that end-to-end process in some form or fashion. While it may be possible to use it in more of a “listening mode”, that isn’t the natural way to leverage a BPM Suite. The control that these suites require includes leveraging the legacy codebase and scripting decisions that are baked into the designs of the software. So you may have to use their UI frameworks, rules-language, scripting languages, databases, or integration frameworks. No doubt you’ll have to use all of the above along with their IDE (Integrated Development Environment). And on some platforms, you may have to utilize their versioning control system.

Fortunately, there’s another way - open-source process engines take a more forgiving and flexible approach. Camunda specifically takes an approach that allows for end-to-end process orchestration without requiring that Camunda control everything about your process execution. This means that Camunda can play a small part or a big part in the end-to-end orchestration of work. It takes a lighter touch - and therefore doesn’t need to be in control at a detailed level - of every step within the process. It also offers many choices for synchronizing tech stacks with the other systems involved in the orchestration…

End-to-End Processes Aren't Just Theoretical

This isn’t just a theoretical problem. The truth is, if you try to leverage traditional BPM suites to automate processes that include considerable use of existing, legacy, or walled-garden systems, you start to find the conflicts between these systems as a real barrier and point of friction in implementation. Pressure builds to either replace the legacy system or to stop at process boundaries that that application defines. 

In this context, we will generally recommend leveraging an open-source process engine and platform to connect processes that span systems. This lets us weave together the functionality you need to build a more agile digital business while minimizing the number of forced technical decisions and points of friction.

Wrapping it Up

To recap, if you are considering solving end-to-end process orchestration, do these two things at once:

  • Think big. Do the work to build the models of your end-to-end process and create buy-in in your organization for thinking through some of the high-level design decisions.

  • Do the work. In parallel, pick a specific problem and solve it in production. Take it a step further, and leverage Camunda or another process engine.

Quite simply, you want your organization to be great at the philosophical and the practical…  and to do that, you have to do both (which has worked successfully for our clients).

To learn more about process orchestration and our partnership with Camunda, head over to our YouTube channel and check out my latest video with Jakob Freund, CEO & Co-Founder of Camunda.

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