Professional Services

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for Human Resources

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for Human Resources: A digital colleague, taking care of routine, transactional tasks faster than humans, and error-free.

When most people think of robotic process automation (RPA), they might imagine a modern factory full of multi-armed robots, or some other highly mechanized scenario. So it may come as a surprise that RPA can be an extremely efficient tool in even the most “human” of departments: human resources (HR).

Most HR professionals would balk at the idea that their jobs could be done by robots, but a better way to think about RPA is as a digital colleague trusted to take care of routine, transactional tasks faster than any person ever could, and error-free. This frees up HR workers to focus on more interesting, creative work and the things for which they never have time, that can advance their organization’s business priorities. In fact, automation can return 15-30% of people’s time, or nearly an hour each day.

Whether helping recruiters post jobs, source and sort resumes, scheduling candidate interviews, streamlining onboarding and offboarding processes to enhance employee experience, synchronizing HR data across multiple systems, creating customized learning/training paths for the employees or providing reports with valuable insights, RPA is an essential tool for HR departments of any size. 

Contact us today to learn more about some common benefits and misconceptions within RPA in HR.


How Robotic Process Automation Maximizes the Potential of Human Resources

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