Change Management

Camunda CamundaCon Recap: Customer Stories from OTPP

Ontario Teachers Pension Plan gave two presentations at CamundaCon - both well done. Sandy Kemsley covers the first one in this post. BP3 Global, Inc.

Ontario Teachers Pension Plan gave two presentations at CamundaCon - both well done. Sandy Kemsley covers the first one in this post (scroll down), and there's an interesting bit of history. Sandy introduced them to Camunda back in 2013 - and BP3 helped them implement their first set of processes in Camunda shortly thereafter- I believe Sandy helped connect us for that work as well!? So thank you!

OTPP is a great example of a client who started out with immediate goals to achieve, but with long-term objectives to learn the product and proceed mostly on their own. 7 years later, the proof is there:

They have 144 BPMN templates and execute 70,000 process instances per year with up to 20,000 active instances at any time since these are generally long-running workflows. Some of the extremely long-running processes are actually terminated after a specific stage, then a scheduler restarts a corresponding instance when new work needs to be done. Other processes may be suspended in the workflow engine, making them invisible to a user's worklist until work needs to be done.

What I'd say is not only have they really built out quite a few solutions at this point, but they have a maturity and understanding of how to leverage the platform to solve complex problems.? Enabling customers to get started on this kind of journey is the kind of work that Sandy and BP3 each do really well in our respective phases of the game.

What's interesting is how they've embedded Camunda into several business applications, taking processes out of other workflow engines - in theory, this is straightforward to do, but in practice, the devil is definitely in the details.

I can also attest to the in-flight instance challenge that they've leveraged Camunda to solve. BP3 team members have probably done more in-flight instance migration on platforms not-named-Camunda than anyone - we're really good at it- and it is hard and requires real expertise.? And one of the things I love about Camunda is that they're not afraid to solve the hard problems once in their product, rather than leaving all the hard stuff for customers to figure out once per customer (or project).

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