Professional Services

Design Harmony: Elevating UX in Legal Tech

Design system governance reshapes a legal solution's UX, ensuring consistency and scalability in product design. Contact BP3 Global for more information


The Challenge

A lack of design governance in a legacy application affected the scalability, efficiency and learnability of the application.


The Solution

We established a design system and a governance process for clear decision-making and developed a design library and content guidelines.


The Result

Our solution ensured manageable and consistent product design elements and scalability, and enhanced user experience.




  • A lack of design consistency in a legacy application affected the scalability, efficiency and learnability of the application.
  • Unclear application messaging hampered the efficiency of task completion.
  • Established a design system governance process for clear design decision-making.
  • Developed a design system that included content guidelines and a design library that synced with the development component library.
  • Our solution ensured manageable and consistent product design elements and scalability, and enhanced user experience.




In a legacy application, a lack of design governance led to inconsistent and unconventional interaction design decisions that affected the scalability, efficiency and learnability of the application. At times, the application's messaging was unclear, hampering the efficiency of task completion and spiking IT support tickets.

BP3 tackled this challenge with a multi-faceted solution focusing on design system governance and consistency:

Design System Governance Process:

  • Defined a clear design decision-making process.
  • Established roles for governance members in these decisions.

Design Library:

  • Curated a collection of repeatable, reusable patterns, states, and application layouts.
  • Detailed component behavior and usage guidelines.
  • Synced with the development team’s coded component library for consistent implementation of the reusable pieces.

Content Guidelines:

  • Set standards for writing different types of messages (errors, warnings, general info, etc.) in a unified voice, tone, and style.

This comprehensive approach yielded significant improvements:

  • Establishment of a governance process that ensures manageable and consistent product design elements.
  • Scalable, uniform product design across the application.
  • Streamlined process for front-end design implementation and maintenance.
  • Enhanced user experience marked by intuitiveness and consistency.

This initiative reflects BP3's dedication to transforming and optimizing legacy systems, focusing on strategic design governance to enhance both operational efficiency and user engagement.

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