Professional Services

What To Look For in Intelligent Document Processing Solutions: Questions To Ask

What to look for in intelligent document processing solutions. Find out the questions you should be asking. Speak to our team for more help.

One thing is clear - the world is shifting to automation. An eye-watering 80% of businesses are ramping up their automation efforts, and half want to automate all repetitive tasks. Document processing is a huge focus here, and with good reason. Manually inputting data is error-prone and time-consuming. Plus, extracting and utilizing data is something machines are far better at than us - many times faster and considerably more accurate. And they don't get tired or need breaks! 

But where do you begin? Choosing an Intelligent Document Processing tool for your business can be challenging. You need to consider compatibility with your current systems, scalability to accommodate your company's growth, and much more. 

Essential Criteria: 9 Key Questions to Evaluate Intelligent Document Processing Solutions

With the business landscape more competitive than ever, selecting the right intelligent document processing solution is crucial for getting ahead. Here are nine essential questions to guide your decision-making process. 


Q: What features should you prioritize when evaluating Intelligent Document Processing solutions?

A: There are tons of features to look for, and we'll be getting further into many of them below. But as a good place to start, look for these four features:

  • Advanced AI: AI puts the "intelligent" in Intelligent Document Processing. Look for solutions that mention the fundamental technologies that underpin IDP, like NLP, machine learning, and computer vision. Machine learning is critical here —the solution will adapt and improve over time, tailoring its processes to match your company’s needs better. 
  • Adaptability: Choose solutions that can handle various document types—invoices, employee forms, or customer emails—and adapt to different industry requirements. Your document needs will evolve, and you need a system to keep up. 
  • User-Friendly Interface: Usability enhances productivity. Select an IDP solution with an intuitive interface that’s easy for all team members to use. A user-friendly system reduces training time and helps your staff to leverage its capabilities fully, boosting overall productivity.
  • Customization: Choose IDP solutions that allow you to modify workflows, add new document types, and adjust data extraction rules to fit your unique business processes. This flexibility ensures you maximize its long-term utility and return on investment.

Q: How Important is Scalability?

A: Very. Scalability in an IDP solution means it can handle increasing workloads and adapt to your organization’s growth without requiring a complete overhaul. For instance, if your company plans to double the amount of invoice processing, a scalable IDP system would manage this without performance dips or additional complex upgrades. This capability ensures the system remains efficient and cost-effective over time, supporting gradual increases and sudden surges in document processing demands. Not factoring in scalability can be a costly blunder later in the line. 

Q: What integration capabilities should an IDP solution offer with existing systems and workflows?

A: An effective IDP solution should seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and workflows. This means it should easily connect with your ERP, CRM, and other essential software, allowing for smooth data transfer and minimal disruption to current processes. For example, an IDP system that integrates with your CRM can automatically update customer records with data extracted from incoming forms. This capability ensures that your workflows are enhanced rather than complicated. If a solution requires excessive workarounds, it's not worth the hassle. 

Q: How important are ease-of-use and user interface design in selecting an IDP solution?

A: Ease of use and user interface design in an IDP solution aren't just important; they're make-or-break. A good chunk of automation resistance stems from techno-phobia—fear of new tech. If your IDP solution feels like solving a Rubik's cube blindfolded, your team might reject it. Choose a solution with an intuitive interface that even your least tech-savvy employee can navigate. Remember, if they love using it, they'll use it.

You can read more about it here.

Q: What level of automation and customization options should you expect?

A: Expect an IDP solution to offer robust automation capabilities and flexible customization options. It should automate routine document handling easily, turning tasks like data extraction and categorization into background activities. But equally, customization is critical. Your business isn't cookie-cutter, so your IDP shouldn't be either. Look for a solution that lets you tweak settings, add new document types, or change workflows without needing a PhD in computer science. It should adapt to your business needs, not vice versa.

You can read more about low-code solutions here.

Q: What security measures should be in place to protect sensitive data within an IDP system?

A: The state of cyber attacks today is enough to make you lose sleep. A single attack cost U.S. companies an average of $8,300 in 2023, with the frequency of attacks rising from two to four per organization. In other words, cyber-attacks are on the rise. 

You don't want your IDP solution to be a point of weakness that an attacker can exploit to access your sensitive data. With this in mind, select an IDP system with robust encryption for data at rest and in transit.

Additionally, it should employ multi-factor authentication and role-based access controls to ensure that only authorized personnel can access specific data sets. Regular security audits and compliance with standards like GDPR and HIPAA are crucial to protect against breaches and ensure data integrity.

Q: How do vendor reputation and customer support impact your IDP solution choice?

A: These should be a top priority. A reputable vendor with a track record of reliable and secure software implementations instils confidence. Remember, 30-50% of process automation projects fail, and a large part of this equation is choosing a suitable vendor who understands your needs and how to deliver a solution effectively within your organization. 

Check testimonials on the company's website and customer reviews on reputable independent review sites like Capterra or G2 Crowd. Ask for case studies to gauge the vendor’s credibility and fit for your industry. 

Lastly, it can't be stressed enough that responsive and knowledgeable customer support is vital for resolving potential issues swiftly and effectively. For example, immediate support can mean a minor hiccup and significant disruption in your operations if a problem arises during a crucial data processing period. 

Q: What pricing models and licensing options are available for IDP solutions, and how do they align with your budget and requirements?

A: This will come down to your business and your specific needs. There are three primary pricing models for IDP solutions:

  • Subscription-based: Offers a recurring payment plan, typically monthly or annual.
  • Per-user/per-document: Charges are based on the number of users or documents processed.
  • Volume-based: Pricing scales with the volume of documents processed.

Consider your budget and document processing needs to choose the most cost-effective option. Subscription-based plans are top-rated and suit most people's needs, but it's worth doing the math on what makes the most sense for you. For example, if your organization deals with a high volume of documents, a volume-based licensing model might be more suitable. 

Similarly, licensing options vary from perpetual licenses to pay-as-you-go models. With a perpetual license, you pay once and own the software indefinitely, although you might need to pay for upgrades or support separately. With a pay-as-you-go model, you pay for what you use, typically monthly or annually. 

Q: How does the IDP solution provider keep up with tech trends to ensure the solution stays relevant and adequate?

A: You should pick an IDP provider that invests in AI technologies like machine learning and NLP since these technologies make IDP tick. Look for evidence that they continuously update their algorithms and features to incorporate the latest advancements. Another good gauge is if they actively participate in industry conferences, collaborate with research institutions, and engage with user feedback to understand evolving needs. 

Final Thoughts

Automation is crucial to staying competitive. Choosing the right IDP provider can be challenging, but by asking the right questions, you can ensure you're making the best choice. Explore how our IDP solutions can keep you ahead—contact us today to learn more and start your journey.

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