Professional Services

Video: A Process Automation Story

Discover the power of process transformation in delivering exceptional customer experiences. Contact BP3 for help with transforming your customer services

Over the years, the members of our team have recorded a number of videos for us, to explain what we do, what matters to us, and how we feel about our work. Over the course of these videos, you can get a sense of who we are, what our priorities are. BP3 and our team have evolved and grown over the years, but one thing that has never wavered is a passion for helping our clients and doing great work.

This video was home-made by our team, and tried to explain the inexplicable – what exactly is digital transformation – or process transformation.  We were in the process of finding the right language to describe everything we do to help our clients succeed with digital transformation.  Transforming your processes is about helping your team deliver for your customers in the fastest way possible – and to do that you need a team that is absolutely focused on intelligent automation.  Hope you enjoy our lighthearted way to explain it :

This was part 1 of a 3-part series… More to come!

Speaker 1:

This is Will. Will finally finish building the tree house he promised his son, but it's missing one essential thing, power. So, Will does a little research and finds out he can get everything done through his utility company. Wow. There was a time when Will would have had to seek a permit, hire a contractor, and coordinate all of this on his own, but those days are over. Now, his utility company handles it all. He starts an application online, and now the rest is cake. The utility automatically submits a permit on Will's behalf, and the system dispatches a nearby inspector to come out and inspect the site. In person Will is able to discuss the scope of the work in greater detail, while the inspector ensures the work can be done. The permit is approved, and the utility company ensures that the neighborhood transformer is up to the task. A licensed and bonded contractor is selected, schedules coordinated automatically with permit approval, and the work begins on building the most electrified tree house on the block.

This is the kind of amazing experience customers are looking for. In fact, it's the kind of experience they expect. The core technology that builds truly connected customer experiences is a platform built on process transformation. Remember the system that automatically processed online applications, submitted permits, dispatched inspectors, and calculated grid requirements? That's what process transformation does. It automatically integrates multiple systems, giving employees efficient access to organizational assets that they can leverage to better serve customers. A system that looks like this can now look like this, enabling you to automatically route and prioritize work and integrate multiple systems into a streamlined process that makes sense. With a process transformation platform, you can answer questions like how are my employees performing? Where is the work? Are we getting the best results? Because you're doing everything under the umbrella of process transformation, you have the data to explain what's happening inside your organization. Want to learn more about process transformation and what it can do for your company? We're the largest and most experienced process transformation company. From startups to Fortune 500s, we've done it all. So, if you're looking for experts, you found them, BP3.

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