Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Optimizing Configuration with AI

Elevate manufacturing efficiency with AI-driven configuration optimization. Learn how BP3's solution transformed the customer experience.

Optimizing Configuration with AI | BP3 Global


The Challenge

Our client faced customer challenges in navigating their extensive product catalog to find and configure specific high-speed measurement equipment.

The Solution

Our team developed a solution designer product configuration engine, using IBM's ILOG CPLEX Constraint Programming library and ODM.

The Result

Our solution significantly improved user experience, making the process of finding and configuring the right products more intuitive, efficient, and tailored to individual customer needs.




  • Client faced customer challenges in navigating their extensive product catalog to find and configure specific high-speed measurement equipment.
  • Our team developed a solution designer product configuration engine, using IBM's ILOG CPLEX Constraint Programming library and ODM.
  • The engine dynamically customizes component options based on user needs.
  • Our solution significantly improved user experience.




Navigating through an extensive product catalog can often become a daunting task for customers, especially when they are presented with a broad array of options without a clear direction on how to find the exact product that meets their unique requirements. This was precisely the challenge faced by our client, a leading provider of high-speed measurement equipment catering to a wide spectrum of industries. Their diverse range of products, while a testament to their expertise and market reach, inadvertently complicated the customer journey. Clients visiting their website found themselves overwhelmed, struggling to sift through the myriad of products to find and configure systems that aligned with their specific needs. These systems, typically comprising three critical components – a chassis, controllers (acting as the system's brain), and module boards (providing input and output functionality) – required a level of customization that the existing setup did not support effectively.

Understanding the critical nature of this challenge, our team at BP3 set out to devise a solution that would transform this complexity into a streamlined, user-friendly experience. At the heart of our solution was the Solution Designer, powered by a highly sophisticated product configuration engine. This engine was not merely a feature; it was a revolution in how customers interacted with the product catalog. It leveraged dynamic adjustments to present component options, fine-tuned to the user's specific requirements and influenced by their previous selections. This adaptive approach ensured that customers were not overwhelmed by irrelevant choices, guiding them towards their ideal product configuration with precision and ease.

The engine's capabilities were extensive, meticulously designed to navigate the intricate web of component compatibilities and incompatibilities, dependencies, and the nuanced requirements of specific measurement needs. Moreover, it took into consideration the spatial layout within the chassis, ensuring that the suggested configurations were not only functionally compatible but also physically feasible.

To achieve this level of sophistication, we utilized IBM’s ILOG CPLEX Constraint Programming library alongside the Operational Decision Manager (ODM). This combination of cutting-edge technologies enabled us to build an engine that was not just powerful in its computational capabilities but also intuitive in its user experience. It allowed for a seamless interaction that could dynamically adjust to user inputs, making the process of finding and configuring the right products not only more efficient but also significantly more tailored to individual customer needs.

The impact of this solution on the user experience was profound. By simplifying the product selection and configuration process, we not only alleviated the sense of overwhelm among customers but also empowered them to make informed decisions with ease. This enhancement in the customer journey translated into a more satisfying and engaging experience, encouraging deeper engagement with the product catalog and facilitating a smoother path to purchase.

Our work with the client showcases BP3's commitment to leveraging technology to solve complex business challenges. By understanding the intricate dynamics of our client's product offering and the needs of their customers, we were able to deliver a solution that not only improved operational efficiency but also elevated the customer experience. This project exemplifies our dedication to driving innovation and delivering solutions that are not just effective but also transformative, reinforcing our role as a strategic partner in our clients' journey towards digital transformation.


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