Professional Services

BP3 Global CEO Scott Francis and Camunda Software CEO Jakob Freund Discuss the Digital Process Automation Industry, HyperAutomation, and the Future of Process Automation as a Service

BP3 Global CEO Scott Francis and Camunda Software CEO Jakob Freund discuss the digital process automation industry, HyperAutomation, and the future.

If you haven’t caught one of the live episodes of Driven 2021 yet first, where have you been? Second, you can catch up on them here.

We are having a lot of fun with Driven this year and we just recorded an episode that I cannot wait to share. BP3 Global, inc’s CEO, Scott Francis, interviewing Camunda CEO, Jakob Freund. 

I probably fan girl a little too much about automation things but this interview is one of my favorites. 

It is clear from the start of the interview that these two guys know a lot about the automation industry and have seen clients all over the world succeed (and fail) with automation. 

At the top of the interview Jakob casually drops the fact that the Mars 2020 Rover, Perseverance, uses Camunda as its process engine. No big deal… 

I won’t spoil the whole thing but in the interview Jakob and Scott cover hyperautomation, “death by Amazon”, microservices, the release of Camunda Cloud, and how to get started with Camunda. 

Don’t miss your opportunity on November 9th to ask Live questions to these two titan of Automation on our Youtube Channel. You can get reminders (and a free t-shirt) by signing up for Driven 2021 here.

Driven - the BP3 Global, Inc. Annual Event Where we bring together our customers, partners, and consultants to share case studies and best practices for the implementation of Process Automation, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Intelligent Document Processing (IDP), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and much more.

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