Professional Services

CamundaCon 2021: BP3 a Ruby Sponsor!

Register for our virtual booth at CamundaCon, September 22-23 & join an online global community experiencing a virtual conference on Process Automation.

BP3 is heading back to CamundaCon this year, virtually speaking of course. CamundaCon is actually one of my favorite conferences of the year. In person, it is held in Berlin in the late summer, early fall when the weather is perfect for taking a stroll and looking at the street art. Camunda is globally headquartered in Berlin so there is no shortage of people giving you advice on where to eat and what to do.

For the last two years, we have been relegated to virtual CamundaCon, but this is a virtual conference that is done right! CamundaCon starts with great speakers. The two days have packed agendas but what I like best is they break the day out between business, technical, and Camunda in Action. To enable better virtual networking, Camunda creates a slack workspace for all conference attendees. In this space last year, people were having great discussions on all kinds of topics. It is one of the most used slack workspaces I have ever seen. We are so proud that BP3 Global, Inc. is recognized as a Camunda Certified Platinum Partner and we can't wait for many more great CamundaCons to come!

Camunda put out a great Know before you go article that I highly recommend.

You can register for CamundaCon here.

I hope to “see” you there.

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