Application & system modernisation

Top 10 Low-Code/No-Code Trends for 2024: Accelerating Development

Explore the top 10 low-code/no-code trends for 2024 and discover how these innovative solutions can accelerate development and empower businesses.

10 Low-Code/No-Code Trends for 2024

10 Low-Code/No-Code Trends for the Upcoming Year



  • Market Growth: The low-code/no-code market is projected to reach $86.9 billion by 2027, driven by demand for quick app delivery and digital transformation.

  • Widespread Adoption: By 2025, low-code tools are expected to account for over 70% of software development, enabling non-technical users to contribute to app creation.

  • Key Trends: Increased adoption by large enterprises, rise of citizen developers, integration with AI, IoT, blockchain, and enhanced security and governance features.

  • Industry-Specific Platforms: Development of specialized low-code platforms for industries like healthcare and manufacturing, focusing on tailored solutions.

  • Benefits: Low-code/no-code platforms reduce development costs, speed up app development, increase business agility, empower non-technical staff, and improve access to innovation.

  • Modernization and Support: The article emphasizes the use of these platforms for modernizing legacy applications and offers specialized services for support.

Low-code/no-code platforms are designed to cater to people who are either unfamiliar with coding or are constrained by time. 

While such software is created using coding languages like PHP, Python, and Java, developers aren't burdened with the technical details. Instead, they're presented with intuitive interfaces that enable them to drag and drop elements, interconnect them, and work with the outcomes. 

This user-friendly approach facilitates the creation, testing, and deployment of apps with an emphasis on usability and simplicity. 

Many organizations are investing in low-code development platforms. In 2024, this trend will likely pick up its pace due to the success of the AI-powered digital transformation seen in 2023. Gartner projects that investments in low-code/no-code development platforms will yield $31.9 billion in revenue in 2024. 

This article will look at 10 interesting ways low-code/no-code solutions will impact the upcoming year's digital transformation.

The Rise of Low-Code Solutions


The global low-code/no-code market is expected to see a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.7% from now until 2027. At that time, it's projected to be worth $86.9 billion. The growth of low-code platforms stems from several key factors — primarily, the demand for quicker application delivery in response to rapidly evolving market needs. Low-code platforms empower non-technical users to participate in the creation process, actively reducing dependency on traditional coding experience.

The scarcity of skilled software developers has also propelled the adoption of low-code solutions. These platforms bridge the gap by enabling citizen developers — individuals with minimal coding knowledge — to make significant contributions to application development.

Another significant factor is the growing need for a digital transformation across industries. Low-code agility and flexibility allow organizations to adapt to changing business processes. This facilitates innovation and enhances operational efficiency without exhaustive development timelines.

Top 10 Low-Code/No-Code Trends for 2024

Gartner estimates that low-code tools will account for more than 70% of all software development by 2025. This trend hints at the democratization of software development. Citizen developers and cross-functional teams will actively contribute to creating applications using intuitive, visual, and user-friendly interfaces. 

Here are 10 other ways this technology will take shape in the upcoming year.

1. Increased Adoption by Larger Enterprises

Historically, large enterprises relied on complex, custom-built software solutions. They required substantial amounts of time, resources, and specialized technical expertise to build. However, the landscape is shifting as business owners recognize the advantages that low-code/no-code platforms offer.

One primary factor that will drive this trend is the pressing need for digital agility. It can be challenging for larger enterprises to swiftly respond to evolving market demands and consumer expectations. The intricacies of their existing IT infrastructure, to say the least, can impede rapid adaptability.

Low-code/no-code platforms provide a solution by enabling rapid application development and deployment. They also offer the scalability that aligns with the expansive needs of larger enterprises. Low-code tools reduce development costs and reliance on professional developers, allowing organizations to reallocate their resources to other critical areas.

2. The Rise of Citizen Developers

In the recent past, software development was confined to professional developers and IT departments. However, the emergence of low-code applications has democratized the development process. 

It empowers individuals across various departments to actively contribute to app creation. Now, non-technical citizen developers are shaping the future of software development in several impactful ways.

First, accessibility and ease of use are at the core of the rise of citizen developers. According to Gartner, in 2024 80% of tech products and services will be built by citizen developers. With low-code/no-code platforms, it’s easy to design intuitive interfaces and visual tools that require little to no coding knowledge. 

Individuals with diverse backgrounds — business analysts, marketers, operations personnel, and more — can now participate in the development process. This trend reduces an organization's reliance on a limited pool of professional software developers.

3. Integration with Other Technologies

You can expect the fusion of intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces with AI-driven functionalities in the upcoming year. This will enable predictive analytics, natural language processing, and automated decision-making within your applications.

Also, expect to see a blend of low-code/no-code Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Applications will leverage IoT data streams and sensors through a simplified user interface. This integration will enable you to create applications that manage and respond to real-time data from interconnected devices.

Other disruptive technologies like blockchain will also take center stage, where decentralized applications (dApps) will be more secure. These integrations will revolutionize processes involving transactions, contracts, and data sharing, offering new avenues for innovation and trust-building mechanisms.

The synergy between low-code/no-code and cloud-native technologies will also be at the forefront. As cloud computing continues to evolve, these platforms will seamlessly leverage cloud-native features. You'll have the flexibility to effortlessly develop, test, and deploy applications across diverse cloud environments.

4. Improved Security and Governance

The integration of AI-driven functionalities will further advance the security landscape for low-code development tools. Looking ahead, you'll witness a paradigm shift toward embedded security features within low-code and no-code platforms. 

Enhanced encryption methods, multifactor authentication, and biometric access controls will become inherent components. These security protocols will fortify low-code tools against evolving cyber threats, safeguard sensitive data, and boost user trust.

Automated security checks and vulnerability assessments will become integral to tightening the security of these platforms further. It will be easier for organizations to configure and enforce governance policies, manage user permissions, and generate comprehensive compliance reports. 

5. Specialized Platforms for Specific Industries or Use Cases

In 2024, low-code application platforms will continue to offer industry-specific functionalities to empower users to create custom solutions that address their unique needs. 

For instance, specialized platforms for healthcare will facilitate the creation of HIPAA-compliant applications. They'll provide prebuilt modules for electronic health records (EHRs), patient management systems, telemedicine solutions, and medical billing applications. 

In manufacturing and logistics, platforms may offer modules for warehouse management systems, order fulfillment workflows, and predictive maintenance tools. 

6. Data Analysis and Visualization

Low-code tools will embed AI-driven algorithms into workflow automation, data analysis, pattern recognition, and predictive modeling. They'll bridge the gap between data experts and non-technical users, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds to derive actionable insights from their data.

You can expect to see more tools that allow citizen developers to use enhanced drag-and-drop functionalities to create sophisticated analytics reports and visualizations. 

As more tools are developed with a data-first outlook, you'll have the flexibility to choose from a wide range of visualization types to represent your data. These advanced components will pave the way for interactive dashboards, predictive analytics models, and dynamic reports. 

7. Integration with Traditional Software Development Tools

You can also expect the emergence of hybrid environments that combine the visual simplicity of low-code/no-code platforms with the flexibility and control of traditional coding. These integrated environments will enable developers to start projects on low-code/no-code platforms and then transition to traditional tools for more complex customizations.

Integration between low-code/no-code platforms and traditional tools will focus on improving testing and deployment capabilities. This will include streamlined processes for code review, automated testing, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD). 

To support this integration, businesses will invest in training developers to utilize both low-code/no-code application platforms and traditional tools. 

8. Rapid Prototyping and MVP Development

In the upcoming year, it's likely that low-code software will facilitate rapid visual prototyping, allowing designers to create interactive mock-ups quickly. Such software will offer a wide array of prebuilt components, modules, and templates that will allow for the rapid assembly of minimum viable products (MVPs) without extensive coding. 

Users will leverage these components to create MVPs with core features, enabling them to test their market viability in a shorter time frame. To support rapid prototyping and MVP development, these platforms will prioritize collaboration features that facilitate seamless teamwork. 

9. Adoption by Small and Midsize Businesses

There's a strong indication that small and midsize businesses will increasingly adopt low-code/no-code platforms in the coming year. Several factors contribute to this trend. For instance, such platforms present a cost-effective solution for small and midsize businesses with limited resources. 

For small businesses aiming to launch products or services quickly, low-code/no-code platforms offer a faster time to market. These organizations build solutions 56% faster than companies that use legacy systems. SMBs often have small teams handling multiple responsibilities, and low-code tools enable their non-technical staff to participate actively in app development.

As small and midsize businesses grow, scalability becomes crucial. No-code and low-code platforms will allow businesses to scale their applications as their operations expand.

10. The Emergence of New Low-Code/No-Code Platforms and Tools

The growing demand for rapid application development, coupled with the expanding market for no-code solutions, creates fertile ground for the emergence of new platforms. Advancements in technology, especially in areas like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and cloud computing, are likely to continue driving innovation. 

New tools will incorporate this digital transformation to provide advanced capabilities. Users in specific sectors, such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and education, will increase the demand for tools that offer industry-specific templates, modules, and integrations. As new platforms emerge, there will be a focus on building ecosystems around these tools, fostering developer communities, and encouraging collaboration.

Main Benefits of Low-Code/No-Code Solutions

When starting a business, many people imagine a single platform through which anyone can access their product or service. But the problem is that less than 1% of the world’s population has the technical skills required to code a fully functional website. This is where low-code/no-code software comes in, providing a way to develop innovative solutions without the necessary coding skills. 

Here are some reasons why someone would choose a low-code development platform. 

  • Reduced Costs: Leveraging low-code/no-code solutions significantly reduces your development costs. These platforms streamline the development process by minimizing the need for extensive coding expertise. This cuts down on the time and resources that were traditionally required for software development.

    Intuitive interfaces enable quicker iterations, reducing development cycles and the associated expenses. As these platforms evolve, you'll witness a substantial decrease in costs related to hiring specialized developers, resulting in more budget-friendly app creation.

  • Faster Development Times: Embracing low-code/no-code solutions facilitates rapid app development thanks to simple drag-and-drop components, prebuilt templates, and visual interfaces. This simplified development environment allows you to swiftly respond to evolving market demands.

    Additionally, integrating AI-driven functionalities for automated processes and code generation will usher in an era of unparalleled speed in development.

  • Increased Agility: Since low-code solutions allow for quick modifications and updates, they're adaptable to various use cases. So it's possible to align them with your changing business needs. It's also easy to integrate these platforms with emerging technologies, which will enhance your ability to pivot in response to market shifts.

  • Empowered Citizen Developers: These tools democratize app development, enabling individuals from diverse backgrounds within your organization to actively contribute to software creation. Employees without extensive coding skills can now play a pivotal role in developing innovative solutions. This empowerment of citizen developers drives innovation and a more collaborative approach to software development.

  • Improved Access to Innovation: The low-code future will provide unprecedented access to innovation. For instance, more businesses are integrating their solutions with cutting-edge technologies such as augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR). While this technology has dominated specific industries, recent developments by companies like Meta and Apple show that AR/VR elements will increasingly be used for training, simulation, or customer engagement purposes. 

  • Such bold steps promote the development of advanced applications that can propel organizations ahead in any competitive market.

Leverage Our Application Modernization Tool for Low-Code/No-Code Development


Low-code/no-code tools empower individuals across various departments — beyond IT — to actively participate in development. As 2024 approaches, you can adopt these tools and transform your legacy applications into modern, user-friendly interfaces. This modernization strategy enables a quicker adaptation to evolving market needs. 

If you need help, there’s a quick way to modernize your current infrastructure. Our specialists are ready to help. Contact us today to get started.


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