Streamline with automation

Driven 2021 Speaker Announcement: Chris McCarley TTI

At Driven 2021 TTI's Chris McCarley will be speaking about their automation progress over the last year. Contact BP3 on how we can help you.

One of the best things about The Driven Conference every year is getting to hear from our clients about their progress.
This year we are hearing again from Chris McCarley at TTI and holding his feet to the fire about their progress with automation.

TTI has really extended their capabilities in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) over the course of their pandemic.  At Driven 2020 he talked with us about the challenges of a work from home team.  In 2021, we will hear about how they continue to overcome the pandemic diversity and tackle the growing requests for automation in various groups.

Chris is always fun to talk to do make sure to join us for a live Q&A with him on September 14th.  You can register for Driven 2021 here to get the live link and reminders for our entire Driven series.

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