Design Thinking for the Enterprise


How do you know if your organization is about to build the right thing? How do you run a successful Design Sprint?

Andy Bassiri, BP3's own Design Thinking expert, has built a video series to answer your pressing questions and guide you and your enterprise through the Design Sprint process. Watch the video series below and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get updates on when new videos are available.


In this fourth and final video, we are focusing on building and testing design sprints.

Andy Bassiri: Building and testing is the focus of this final video about design sprint. Welcome to the last episode of Design Thinking For The Enterprise. So, how did we get here?

Andy Bassiri: Well, Monday we got all our stakeholders together so we could decide on a long-term goal, align on our solution, figure out the opportunities and the space, and target a problem that we want to solve with our prototype.

Andy Bassiri: On Tuesday we came up with a pool of ideas on how to solve that problem, and on Wednesday we picked a solution and started figuring out all the details for our prototype.

Andy Bassiri: So, now it's Thursday and we're going to build that prototype so we can test it on Friday, but let's take a second here. Not everybody takes this same approach. A lot of solution providers are going to do things differently, but at BP3 we really, strongly believe in building a prototype and testing it, and there's a lot of reasons for that.

Andy Bassiri: Some service providers might come in and do months of research, hand you a document and say, "Here's your solution," but that solution might be really blue sky and at the end of the day you still have to validate and test it, or you got to build it and find out you're wrong.

Andy Bassiri: This is what it all comes down to. Do we have the right solution? The beauty of a design sprint is that it's a technology agnostic process. We're not shoving technology your way and saying, "This will solve your problem." Instead, we come at it with some inquiry, "What is the problem? Are we solving the right problem? Are there other problems in your business that are high value?" Then we can choose technology that'll help us solve that problem once we've validated it.

Andy Bassiri: So, whatever options you're evaluating, you're going to want to be sure that whatever it is, gives you insight into the decisive action you're going to need to take in order to move your solution forward.

Andy Bassiri: So, we hit Friday, we did our testing, we learned a lot, so what's next? That's when we start refining our prototype, and then we can start writing user stories and actually start building what the solution is ultimately going to be.

Andy Bassiri: So, what's the big idea here? Why is a design spring so amazing? Well, I'll tell you. We compress months of work into just five days. We got people behind an idea, we figured out what that solution should be, and we tested and validated it, getting real data that's going to allow us to catalyze our project and build our solution.

Andy Bassiri: Remember, design sprints are not about finding out where we're right. It's about finding out where we're wrong and fixing it. Hey, thanks for watching Design Thinking For The Enterprise.

Andy Bassiri: BP3 has got a lot of great content, so make sure you subscribe.

Director: Yay.

Andy Bassiri: Yay.

Director: I think we got it.

Andy Bassiri: It's not done until you say cut.Director: Cut.